8 Expert tips to keep your kidneys healthy — Genestrings

Tips to keep kidneys healthy There are many ways to prevent kidney disease. So, why wait until your kidney is diseased? The following are some ways to take care of your kidney health: Drink plenty of water: This is the most common and easiest way to keep your kidneys healthy. Consuming plenty of water, especially warm water, helps the kidneys clear sodium, urea, and toxins from the body. Low sodium/salt diet: Keep sodium or salt intake under control in your diet. This means you have to avoid packaged/restaurant foods as well. Also, don’t add extra salt to your food. A low-salt diet reduces the load on the kidneys and prevents the development of disorders related to hypertension. It also prevents the progression of kidney disease. Check Your Kidney Test Maintain proper body weight: Eat healthy food and keep your weight under control. Have your body’s cholesterol levels checked regularly to prevent cholesterol deposits in your arteries. Also, keep saturated fat/fatty fried foods a...